
9.25.17 Silvers and Transfers, Staying in Kodiak

This week was super great, but I forgot to add something about last week at zone conference. We were told by the mission president that we will be getting Facebook in our mission. That's all they told us and so I'll let you know more details in 2 weeks when we go back to anchorage. The weeks out here keep flying by, it's always nice to start the week out fishing and so we were out fishing at monashka for the day. We were only there 4 hours because we caught our limit of 2 silvers each. The rest of the day we cut them up like usual and a member lets us vacuum seal all of our fish to preserve it. My companion is going to send home about 50 pounds of silver salmon. He said it's a little pricy to send since it has to be shipped frozen. But let me know if you think it would be fun and I can send some your way if you request. It might take a while to collect a lot but I can try haha. And to answer your question about mill bay, it's basically just an ocean. So you can

9.18.17 Missionary Clothes

Hello to all back in the lower 48!   ;) This week was pretty great. On Monday we went fishing all asked a couple questions about fishing and so will answer them. It doesn’t take that long to reel them in, but they do get bigger then the silver that I caught. The pinks that we were catching were pretty easy and didn’t fight but they are dying off and the silvers are starting to run. yeah I got pretty lucky on where I get to fish and my companion likes it even more than me. It’s fun, its literally like in our back yard. Its like a 5-10 minute drive. And thanks for sending me a package, I can’t wait to get it. I love receiving stuff in the mail! our ward mission leaders name is brother mccmullin. He hasn’t done much help with the work.  He rarely responds to our texts. We have only met with him a couple of times, it was strange because he would sit on a huge bean bag and we didn’t even have an opening or closing prayer. My comp tells me that he has had much better MWLs

9.11.17 Bear Tracks

I've been hearing about how there are more storms/fires/earthquakes going on. What a crazy season we are having. It sounds to me like there are thousands of people down in Houston that are thankful for every one that came down to help. Service is the one thing Christ did his whole life, when we serve none of it is about us.  The work down here in Kodiak is slow. Slower than I ever could have imagined. Not a single person investigating. I always imagined before I came out that we would always have someone to teach. But in this case it's more the opposite. One thing this is teaching me is to always have faith. My faith is being tested and I know that we will find someone as long as we have the faith to find. Not only having faith but being obedient and following the mission rules. Thanks for the encouragement and the support that you all give me weekly. It helps a ton. Almost every day I wake up and the first thought that comes to my head is

9.5.17 Lots of Rain

  It's so great to hear from you. Sounds like the family is getting back to school, it's super strange not going back to school this year for the first time. But I'm having a really great time out here in Kodiak. As a missionary I haven't heard that much about any news, besides hurricane Harvey. Was there a lot of people who died? Or was there just a lot of people who lost their homes due to flooding? I'm super glad Austin didn't get effected but I sure will keep Russ and Jens family in my prayers. I would like to see pictures if they took any. There is a lot of people that talk about the hurricane up here and know I'm from Texas. So I think it would be helpful to show them pictures of the flooding in Houston. I'm pretty curious how bad it was. It's been raining here for about a week strait.  The sun might be shining for an hour a day at max. It's just constant rain and cloudy all day. I've counted about 3 nice days while I have been here.

8.28.17 Big Fish!

Thank you for updating me on how the family's doing. It's great to see that every one got a chance to go up and see the solar eclipse.  I'm just waiting up here in Alaska for the day where I can see the stars before I go to bed. But by the time it's 10:30 it's still a little light outside. It's crazy but I, used to it! Plus it's about to change, it's going to be super dark soon so I'm enjoying every moment of light and sunshine .  My week was really good. On Monday I went fishing and caught a bunch of pink salmon. I kept three, my comp showed me how to cut up the fish... I tried and I did pretty poorly, but I'm gonna be practicing about every week. I should have learned by dad or grandpa Talbot back when I was home. But we had a good time , we fished all day, it would be fun to come back out here later with dad and grandpa and any one else that wants to fish, but that's really far down the road haha. Throughout the week we went back


Elder  Talbot  8.21.17 I’m glad to hear from you every week. I hope work isn’t too stressful and taking up to much of your time. I miss the whole family but I sure am enjoying life out here. My trainer is tons of fun and we are going fishing today. last time he went and caught 20 pinks. We are going to have lots of fun today. It rains a lot out here in Kodiak. It rains like every other day, now I know why everything is so green and growing out here. It’s also why Texas only gets rain once a month haha.  On Monday we Flew out to anchorage and we were hosted by another companionship. we spent our Pday hiking Flat Tops, it was fun to hike, I haven’t been in a while. Then we went to the church and were playing sports, volleyball, basketball and spike ball. The elders that hosted us for the night were in charge of the YSA ward. So, we got to go with them for an activity that they had that night. it was fun, we got to play soccer. On Tuesday we had z

8.14.17 Arriving in Alaska

My week has been really great! I'm glad to hear that everything is going well at home. I sure do miss cousin swaps haha. It's fun to see the pictures you sent of Devin and Danica, I sure do miss those kidos a lot! Every time a see a little boy like Devin I want to play with him , Devin is an awesome brother. I miss him to death . Fishing with Devin was lots of fun at the beach. I'm glad he got to go fishing and have a good time in the water. I miss and love you guys. I'm not going to lie, it's pretty beautiful up here. I'll attach all the pictures so far for my first week . The weather like every day has been 50s, and one day it was really nice and was about 60, but it's pretty constant.  It rains for a couple days, and then the sun shines for a couple. Yeah I'm still having to get used it still being light at 10:30 PM. But it's not effecting my ability to sleep, we have got good curtains to help block it out. And it's not as bad a